ISSN : 1226-0517(Print)
ISSN : 2288-9604(Online)
ISSN : 2288-9604(Online)
Journal of Korean Society for Imaging Science and Technology Vol.20 No.2 pp.14-20
레이저 주사 공초점현미경 해상도의 파장 의존성
Wavelength Dependent Resolution of the Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
Confocal laser scanning microscope can observe the image of several hundred nanometersized-object by non-contact and non-destructive techniques. In this study, we observed severalhundred nanometer-sized rods grown on V2O5 thin films using confocal microscope, and realizedimages from the same position using shorter wavelength of 405 ㎚ and longer wavelength of 633 ㎚light sources, respectively to identify the wavelength dependence of confocal microscope images. As aresult, the images produced using longer wavelength light source of 633 ㎚ shows severe phenomenonof blur therefore, the contrast is reduced and cannot resolved the boundary of nano-rods clearly,however, when the light source with shorter wavelength of 405 ㎚ was used, the images with highcontrast and clear boundary of nano-rods were obtained. Therefore, instead of SEM, confocalmicroscope using shorter wavelength light source is hoped to be utilized as a new observing tool ofnano-structures.