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ISSN : 1226-0517(Print)
ISSN : 2288-9604(Online)
Journal of Korean Society for Imaging Science and Technology Vol.22 No.4 pp.1-6

Measurement of Transparent Materials’ Thermooptic Coefficient Using Interferometer

Jaeran Lee,Joonhyung Lee,Sok Won Kim


Using the Michelson interferometer, the thermooptic coefficient of transparent materials were measured by counting the numbers of moving interference fringes with the temperature variation from 25℃ to 80 ℃. For the light source with 633 nm wavelength, the thermooptic coefficients of BK7 optical glass, fuzed silica, and fuzed quartz were 2.245×10-6 /K, 8.226×10-6 /K, 8.621×10-6 /K, respectively and these agree with the literature values within ± 2%. By the comparison of borosilicate glass BK7 and SiO2 series samples, the fact that the variation of optical path length with temperature changing in glass is more influenced by the changing of refractive index than by the thermal expansion coefficient was identified. Also, the result that even though the same constituent of SiO2, the variation of refractive index with temperature change in fused quartz which is heat treated in high temperature is larger than that of fuzed silica was obtained.


마이켈슨 간섭계를 이용하여 25 ℃에서 80 ℃까지 온도를 변화시키며 움직이는 간섭무늬의 개수 를 이용하여 투명매질들의 열광학계수를 측정하였다. 파장이 633 nm인 광원에 대해 BK7 광학유리, fused silica, fused quartz의 열광학계수는 각각 2.245×10-6 /K, 8.226×10-6 /K, 8.621×10-6 /K였고, 이는 문헌값과 비교하여 약 ± 2%의 범위 내에서 일치하였다. 붕규산 크라운 유리인 BK7과 SiO2 계열의 시료의 비교를 통해 온도 증가와 함께 유리의 광경로가 변하는 것은 열팽창계수보다는 굴절률변화의 영향을 더 많이 받 는다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 동일한 SiO2 구성이라도 온도 증가에 따라 고온 열처리된 fused quart의 굴절률 변화가 fused silica보다 크다는 결과도 얻었다.

