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ISSN : 1226-0517(Print)
ISSN : 2288-9604(Online)
Journal of Korean Society for Imaging Science and Technology Vol.30 No.4 pp.54-58

Searching the Best Optimal Range Separation Parameter of a Long-Range Corrected Density Functional to Reproduce Experimental Absorption Spectrum?

Dae-Hwan Ahn, Jong-Won Song*
Department of Chemistry Education Daegu University, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 38453, Korea


In this study, we optimized the range-separation parameter (μ) of LC-BLYP, a long-range corrected density functional theory (LC-DFT) method, using various fitting methods to accurately predict the absorption spectra of molecules with charge transfer (CT) characteristics. The μ value optimized in the gas-phase based on Koopmans' theorem exhibited a blue-shift compared to the experimental absorption peaks, whereas the μ value optimized in the solvent environment showed a significant red-shift. In contrast, the μ value adjusted to match the experimental data reproduced well the peak positions and intensities of the absorption spectra, and successfully predicted the energy differences of the maximum absorption peaks in C-DNP and C-OH. Furthermore, the HOMO and LUMO of C-DNP maintained a consistent shape for all μ values, and the electron transition from HOMO to LUMO clearly demonstrated intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) from the coumarin (C) moiety to the DNP group.

실험의 흡수스펙트럼 재현을 위한 장거리 보정 밀도 범함수의 범위 분리 파라미터의 탐색법

안대환, 송종원*
대구대학교 화학교육과



